
Welcome! Please explore our new mixed media learning offerings-

Recent resources of interest: 

Beyond Distraction: Five Practical Ways to Free the Mind  By Shaila Catherine


Resources for IMC-CC Sangha Meetings



A glossary of Buddhist terms 


Mixed-media resources

Learning opportunities – (Dana -donation- based)

The Open Buddhist University


The Buddhist Society of London 


Buddha-Net online studies


Learn Buddhism


Ed X Courses on Buddhism


print resources 

IMC of Cape Cod Sangha Published Statements

The Dhammapada

What the Buddha Taught

Mindfulness In Plain English

Access to Insight

Handful of Leaves Library Collection 

World Buddhist University Library Center 

Right Speech (Samma Vaca) By Bhikku Bodhi 



      audio resources 

Dharma talks  

 Dharma Seed 

 Audio Dharma

 Amaravati Audio Archives 

 Buddhanet  Audio




Tibetan Singing BowlDharma music

Ani Choying Drolma 


Imee Ooi






3S's Triskele
Aesthetic by 3Ss

